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Get in your FOCUS

Happy New Year!!!! With the New Year comes new endeavors, new opportunities, new risks, new challenges and new successes. What it also comes with is my NEW website:!! Today I am OFFICIALLY Launching the website :-) I am SUPER EXCITED to share my baby with you all. I have been working on this website for MONTHS, and it's finally here.

To be honest, I wasn't going to create one. Because I don't know one thing about site design or anything of the sort. However, Tammy Capri (Founder of Nu-Class Publications, amazing author, publisher and all around Queen) pretty much got my life together lol and was like get this done ASAP!

In my head, I'm like "HOW SWAY??!!" (Kanye voice lol). I just decided on a name, and now you want a website?? I don't know business; I know writing. Man when I tell ya'll I did everything I could to talk myself out of it. EVERYTHING! lol. Yet, my spirit wouldn't let me.

I couldn't sleep, every thought was Elijah Jean related. Which is when I knew I just had to get it done.I couldn't just let Elijah Jean be simply a name in my head, I had introduce my passion to the world. So with her suggestion, I used Wix to create my website. Through some trial and error, editing , prayer and feedback I finally got it done!

You see, I never really considered myself an entrepreneur. What I did know is I love reading and I love editing. Everything else just fell into place. Even when I resisted, I knew I had to just suck it up and do what I had to do. I no longer let my feelings dictate my actions instead, my FOCUS does. Staying PRAYED up and keeping a circle around that will motivate and challenge you is what will help you to keep your focus.

So I now challenge you, whatever it is GO AFTER IT! Even when you have those "HOW SWAY??!!" moments. Pray, allow God to lead you than go after it. You'll be surprised at what you can do when you are focused!

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